Wednesday, February 25, 2009

learn something new everyday

     While in class today we went over scanning and editing image size which was quite handy. I had already scanned many pieces of art, and i had up until now I had just thought getting a good scan was hit or miss.  I never knew that my scanner had a professional mode that allowed a preview scan and the option to size the image, as well as saving it as a tif file. Also it seems that photoshop can be used to resize and change the pixel count too. i never knew that was possible.
     I am still young but i am pretty bad with computers, kinda funny when you think most people my age seem to have mastered this stuff. I still get funny looks when I say i don't really care about using photoshop, and would rather have a pencil and paper. Of course I also get them when people try and explain computers to me, I am pretty clueless about a lot of computer stuff, but i can slip through and fake it. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Where should I look?

I have been wondering what schools to look into for admissions research, but I run into some problems while i do it. The biggest problem is that when I think of what i want in a school my first thought is... well I want to go to one.

 If i start from there I need to wonder what I want out of the school. which is something that will work with art, languages, history, writing, and fashion; since there are my areas of interest I am thinking I should look into a place with these kinds of classes in mind. I also need to think of what I want to do career wise, which for me is leaning to Illustrator, or translator for novels, or an artist in some line of work with a publishing firm such as the ones that put out comics.

 I hit two walls about right here. The first is I actually don't know what it takes to be a good translator, Illustrator, or Comic artist. what exactly should I be learning? The other Wall is I actually know little about what schools are out there to be seen. My first choices are RISD, and SAIC since, Both are fine schools, and SAIC curriculum seems amazing, and is located right in the middle of chicago which I would love be in. I will most likely use these two for class but i actually have no idea if they offer what I am looking for.I guess when i finish my research i will know for sure.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

what is my artwork?

Looking at my artwork I can see that my drawings are mostly fantasy art, of witches, assassins, and devils. Though most art i am enamored with is american based comics, I do see the influence of all the anime i watch in my art. Even so it is still not what would be considered a Jap-anime look alike.  when looking at some older sketches there is a distinct style of fantasy art that looks more like Dungeons and dragons (top right), and Magic The Gathering trading cards (top left ). With that in mind I am trying to improve my realism so I can create more detailed work; I would like to bring people visually into the marvel of fantasy and the adventurous stories that can be experienced with just the visuals of another non-existent world. my main problems when I draw though is that i tend to have some bad habits which make it hard to perfect my art. 

I have while drawing picked up an odd habit of starting headfirst rather than planning, I always start drawing not knowing what i will draw or what I will start with. I, a good portion of the time draw eyes then a face, then I crate the head outline and work down from there which works fine but is hard to rework or to replicate since the proportions tend to be off if I do change something. I also don't have a way to replicate any of my sketches the two up there as an example I probably wont be able to draw in a similar way. so it becomes a strange process. 

artist feature.

while on 2 photo I found the art of Greg Simkins  an artist who is heavy in surrealism. He also implements various cartoon characters in his art pieces, and creates a sense of colourful unease with strange shapes, and warped perspectives.