Wednesday, February 25, 2009

learn something new everyday

     While in class today we went over scanning and editing image size which was quite handy. I had already scanned many pieces of art, and i had up until now I had just thought getting a good scan was hit or miss.  I never knew that my scanner had a professional mode that allowed a preview scan and the option to size the image, as well as saving it as a tif file. Also it seems that photoshop can be used to resize and change the pixel count too. i never knew that was possible.
     I am still young but i am pretty bad with computers, kinda funny when you think most people my age seem to have mastered this stuff. I still get funny looks when I say i don't really care about using photoshop, and would rather have a pencil and paper. Of course I also get them when people try and explain computers to me, I am pretty clueless about a lot of computer stuff, but i can slip through and fake it. 

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